My Story
I have spent more than 20 years as an educator. I have taught young children to read and write and high school students Maths and Afrikaans. I have also lectured student teachers at university and facilitated several business training courses for adults. I have written textbooks on various subjects and managed multiple author teams to write resources for every learning area.
My own two children challenged me to broaden my knowledge base and study subjects from Life Science to Tourism. I learnt the difference between writing a Business Studies, Economics and History essay, and how each has a particular structure that needs to be mastered. I made it my mission to become a proficient Afrikaans teacher, grappling with the difficulties students face when learning an additional language. I became convinced that most learners, with practise, patience and careful, clear explanations can master Maths. My son improved his Math mark from 37% at the beginning of Grade 10 to 80% in his final Grade 12 exams.
It is also through being a mom that I explored the process of memorising information for tests and exams. I identified different techniques to make studying a little less tedious and found ways to prevent late-night, last minute cramming. Neither of my children ever studied much after 5pm and both achieved seven distinctions for matric.
My children are now grown-up, and I want to use my experience and skills to help students become SMART learners.